Make life simple for users and that’s the challenge for UX designers because they always think how they can make the User Experience even better. Be it a Software, be it an App or Website or even if it is not related to computer, UX designers persists to make users’ life easy.

In one of my early Article UX – Everywhere around us I have discussed how UX is used everywhere around us and we use it almost in every moment in our life and not necessarily we have to always work on computer to feel the UX.
In UX studies there is a very important topic we have to learn and that is Accessibility, which means ‘Ability to Access’. Products must be designed aiming that enables access of the people with disabilities. However R&D on accessibility became helpful for everyone.
I would like to take an example here. Elevators are one of the most important inventions of engineering which makes life easier. If we as asked not use elevator but have to climb up to a 30 or 40 story building using stairs, almost 95% people would avoid reaching there unless the user has some extreme emergency. On the elevators, we often see ‘DO NOT USE LIFT IN CASE OF FIRE’. So what about people on Wheel Chairs? Physically fit people can come down using stairs but what about them? This is one of the major gap and this takes several lives around the earth every year. I have a solution, though I am not an engineer or I do not know hows that is possible. I guess Elevators are suggested not to use because of electrical short circuit and if that happen the elevator may stop in the middle and users may die in suffocation or electrified. Alternatively there can be 1-2 dedicated elevators can be kept which will be powered by battery or independent running capacity which can be controlled from inside. In case of fire, people on wheel chair can get into that lift and can come down even if the building does not have any electricity.
Please share your ideas on the comment box and let’s make a move so that no one on wheel chair dies due to fire and he/she is unable to go away of the building.